Global & Local Mission
Global Mission
All Christians are called by God, through their baptism, to be in ministry in the world. Therefore, the term minister is appropriately used to describe any Christian who responds to God's call to reach out to the world and its people through loving acts of service. The ministers of the church are called to serve in a variety of ways.
As Laity
From its earliest days, Methodism has been a lay movement. The term laity comes from laos, which means of the people. The laity are the whole people of God, who serve as ministers witnessing to the work of God in individual lives and in the world.
As Clergy
Within the body of all Christian ministers, though, some are called to fulfill a specific ministry through the church.
Deacons are ordained ministers appointed to focus on servanthood. A deacon models the relationship between worship in the community of faith and service to God in the world. Deacons serve in a variety of ministry settings, both in the church and in the world.
Elders are ordained ministers appointed to lead congregations of Christians in the celebration of the sacraments and to guide and care for the life of the community. Some elders may also serve in extension ministries beyond the local church.
Local pastors are licensed ministers appointed to perform the duties of a pastor in a specific church or charge.
We Are All Called to Minister
Though our gifts vary widely, we're all called to and engaged in the one ministry of Jesus Christ. Some aspects of our ministry are easy and come naturally. Some are difficult, involving long hours, tough work, perhaps with conflict, perhaps with disappointing results. What drives us? What keeps us going? The list includes at least these three things:
- the memory of Jesus' life of service to others, which inspires us to follow him in ministry
- the assurance of God's gracious love for us, which empowers us to love others
- the promise of God's coming reign on earth, which draws us into action directed toward this vision.
Local Mission
We have a direct responsibility for people in our church and the community in which we and others study, work, shop, play, and so forth. In this world are people with many hurts, doubts, and questions. There are some who are new in the community and feel a little lost, some who are proudly self-sufficient, and others who are in desperate circumstances. Our mission is to reach out to them, listen to them, accept them, share the gospel in word and deed, invite them into the family of faith, and joyfully receive all who will respond.
One of our tasks is to offer people opportunities for growing closer to God. Whether they are visitors or old-time members, just beginning the journey of faith or well along the road-all are in need of God's love in Christ. Through worship, prayer, study, and honest sharing, we help one another discover that the Holy Spirit is not far off but present with us, wanting an open and loving friendship with each of us—not only friendship but commitment as well. Through our congregation's various ministries, we encourage one another to give ourselves to Christ, to ground our lives in the living God.
“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]